Friday, May 18, 2018

Creating An Office on the Go

Your Business Is Not Just 
At Your Desk or Computer!
So You are A Busy Consultant and You Can't stay home and be in your office. What do you do? You Create a On the Go Office. Keeping an On the Go Office in your car is a 100 % MUST DO! In this "office" you will keep everything you need to book selling appointments (also known as parties), warm chatter (make contacts), recruit and generally do business. You shouldn't over think this. You really want this to be simple, organized and most of all portable and reproducible. If you make it too complicated, you will never carry it or use it. Your On the Go Office can be carried in a portable file box or "milk carton"carrier on wheels, which can be purchased from Office Max or WalMart. Some of the portable file boxes even have places for pens and other useful accessories. That is convenient so you would never have to search for a pen. 

You will need the following items to make your On the Go Office:

 File Box

Hanging File Folders

Slash Front File Folders

Pens, Highlighters, Markers

Hostess Packets

Recruiting Packets

Tear Tab Flyers/Sales Flyers


Warm Chatter Materials


Business Cards

Catalogs/Order Forms


Where Ever You Go,
You Need an Office on the Go

Once You have assembled your materials, you will want to make sure that you have your name on EVERYTHING inside your On the Go Office. You never know when you will need to grab a catalog to give to a potential client, whether you are visiting your child's school, the doctor's office or eating at a restaurant. Having everything readily available will reduce the stress of searching for what you want or need. Remember, if your head is down in the backseat of your car, you will show off your fanny and will allow the potential customer to get away!  Oops. Your BEST first impression is that of you, very professional and poisedb with your materials at the ready with no tears, creases or frayed edges.

So remember, marketing opportunities present themselves when you least expect them. When you are organized and prepared, you will not panic when that opportunity presents itself. And don't forget to keep your On the Go Office stocked and ready at all times. All you need do is bring it into the house at the end of the day and replenish any items that you have distributed. No Muss. No Fuss. 

If the idea of an Office on the Go Resonates with you or if you have any questions, comments or ideas, please feel free to share them by Leaving a Comment. And don't forget to Follow Me on Twitter.

This idea is originally from Party Plan Divas

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