Saturday, April 21, 2018

How Are Your Numbers?

It’s that time of year again when we all should consider our health and well-being. Our
Are Your Business Numbers
Where You Want Them To Be?
health and weight loss journey may not be as we would hope, but we truly need to start to think about consistency as well as what we are willing to do in actuality. Your progress may be slow or non-existent and you may not be as focused or as calculated as you would like, but that’s ok. In truth we should focus on body composition, form and wellness and not completely on the numbers on the scale. Those numbers don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole story of you. Only you know how good you feel and how you want to look, so that makes the goal attainable. So, now it’s time to get to work on yourself.

But what about your other important numbers?

Time Spent On One Thing
Is Time Taken Away From Something Else.
Spend Your Time Wisely!
Now it’s time to consider the numbers of your accumulated debt (oh no, not that!), your business in flows and out flows (which one is larger than the other?) and most of all —Your relationships with your family, friends and customers (established and potential). And let's not forget about  your team members. How much time are you putting in with the people in your life? I have heard it said often "Time spent on one thing is time taken away from something else". Whoa! And let's not forget that time spent cannot be taken back. Now, consider this —The new year is over. You have made your resolutions and I leave it to you whether or not you dropped them or forgot them (like I keep intending to walk a mile a day) or whether you are maintaining the promise you made to yourself. But did you consider your business (is it stale or thriving?), your team (are they building their businesses, which in turn helps you thrive in your business?) and your relationships with the people in your life (are you serving your family and customers to the best of your ability?) That’s a lot to think about.

Fact: If you’re going to focus on creating new goals and making significant changes, you can no longer ignore facts and figures. Look at the data in front of you — you can no longer hide from the truth! (READ MY LIPS AGAIN!)

The reason we slip into a deeper sense of overwhelm because of debt or body dissatisfaction or business stagnation or disrepair of our relationships is because we are CHOOSING to stay ignorant of our numbers. We are hopeful and optimistic that things will “work themselves out” (if you know me then you have heard me say many times — “Things have a funny way of working out”.) but the truth is that we seem to have given up altogether. We stand in agreement with that and say to ourselves (and others) — “That’s just how things are.”

It's time to Stop it! You CAN be your best you! Start with an awareness of where you are! Then Thoughtfully Consider where you want to go.


Know TO THE PENNY what you owe and the interest rate. (and believe me —It’s more
Do You Know'
Your Numbers?
than you think, or want to pay).


Know TO THE PENNY what your monthly ongoing obligations are, where your financial leaks are, what your income is or ISN’T and make it tangible! Write it down.

If you’re overweight or over-fatigued or out of time or in stale relationships — Figure it out, do the discovery, find the data and make it real.

HINT: Stop ignoring the truth. Know your numbers.

And THEN — you can focus on the little things — make the  tweaks and changes that are necessary and that will move the needle on se scary numbers to a better place.

Nothing huge. Nothing radical. Just start small. But Start! Don't just talk (think) about it, BE ABOUT IT!

And don’t forget to focus on little shifts in the right direction so that in your NEW HABIT of KNOWING your NUMBERS —you can be encouraged and celebrate your successes that will soon start adding up for you!

Meanwhile — in this process of you adding new habits and subtracting negative ones, learn to take time out just to enjoy and appreciate your present accomplishments. Because let’s face it, you have worked hard to get where you are now. The trick is to continue while making it seem effortless. So, relax. Breathe deeply and survey your future through the lens of your past and present.

 (BTW. I believe in you. It's your turn to believe in your best possible future!)

Now, what numbers do you need to figure out?

And  SHARE this if you found this helpful or even uncomfortable! (I bet it made you think!)

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This article was excerpted from Carrie Wilkerson,The Barefoot Executive

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