Saturday, April 28, 2018

Out of Fashion or Old Fashioned

The other day I went shopping with my sister Sharon. Not a remarkeble incident; just your everyday, two sisters hanging out type of thing. Anyway... We went into this clothing store, and  I noticed some sundresses hanging by a clothing round. One dress in particular caught my attention. I thought the print was very pretty. I thought the shape of the dress was nice. I thought the straps may have been a little flimsy. And then I decided to feel the material. I got the shock of my life. No exaggeration here! When did they decide to make sundresses out of night gown material? You know, the type of flimsy, nylon material used for "silk - like" panties and nightgowns. Oh my goodness. What have women been excepting as clothing? Is this world so obcessed with sex that it now expects and excepts women to walk around in nightgowns? Do women really want their clothing to say "jump me"?  Or... and here is the horrifying thing... Am I just Out of Fashion or just too old fashioned? And another thing... When has it become o.k. for people to parade around in their pajamas? I am talking about the fuzzy flannel pj's and the soft pima cotton pj's and of all things "baby doll's.  No joke... The other day, I saw a teeny bopper, a junior high school girl, going to school in what looked like baby doll pajamas! Two questions: Where was her mother and Did her mother buy the "outfit" for her daughter? 

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Build Your Character to Build Your Business

 By definition,  character means (among other things):
  • moral or ethical quality: a man of fine, honorable character.
  • qualities of honesty, courage, or the like; integrity: It takes character to face up to a bully.
  • reputation: a stain on one's character
  • good repute.
  • an account of the qualities or peculiarities of a person or thing.
We all have character...Right? Well we do. But,  I am talking about an acronym of how to develop and get the most out of your business. 

Saturday, April 21, 2018

How Are Your Numbers?

It’s that time of year again when we all should consider our health and well-being. Our
Are Your Business Numbers
Where You Want Them To Be?
health and weight loss journey may not be as we would hope, but we truly need to start to think about consistency as well as what we are willing to do in actuality. Your progress may be slow or non-existent and you may not be as focused or as calculated as you would like, but that’s ok. In truth we should focus on body composition, form and wellness and not completely on the numbers on the scale. Those numbers don’t lie, but they don’t tell the whole story of you. Only you know how good you feel and how you want to look, so that makes the goal attainable. So, now it’s time to get to work on yourself.