Has someone ever asked you where did you get those shoes, what grocery store do you shop at, what kind of pots do you cook with, ever recommend a movie, or TV show? That’s Network Marketing at its best. The difference is that you’re not getting paid for all that FREE advertising you are doing. When was the last time CBS, JCPenney, Twitter or Facebook sent you a check?
Direct Selling, Party Plan, Network Marketing, MLM, Internet Marketing, Door-to-Door Salesman, The Tupperware Lady - whatever name you choose to give, is and always will be a viable business model. And, we are all in the same business, SELLING. We are commissioned based earners and represent the largest segment of Millionaires. What do you think is happening when Beyonce goes on tour? Do you realize she is selling her cd’s? Yet no one is calling her tour a scam or pyramid scheme. That’s called Marketing! You don't want to be a salesperson or sell anything? Well, you do everyday when you tell your children that vegatables are good for them or when you call in and tell your boss you are so sick, you can't move out of bed.